International Seminar 'Information Accessibility for Learning. From Development to Implementation of Guidelines'
The international seminar took place as a joint event of the Politecnico di Milano, the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information & Communication Technologies (G3ict) and the ICT for Information Accessibility in Learning project. It was held in Milan, Italy on December 11, 2015.
The aim of the International Seminar was to introduce the ICT4IAL Guidelines as a tool to support practitioners and organizations involved in providing information for learning, to create accessible materials and to discuss and promote their implementation in different learning context. A particular attention was given to academic life, to innovative ICT solutions and standards, to legislative aspects of copyright and to open access policies.
The participation of all the ICT4IAL Project Partners (DAISY Consortium, European Agency, European Schoolnet, G3ict, International Association of Universities, UNESCO) and of national and international stakeholders enabled advocating information accessibility and investigating ways in which the uptake of accessibility can be fostered.
The conference offered four workshops on the following topics:
- Guidelines implementation in Higher Education
- Guidelines implementation in Primary and Secondary Schools
- Legislative aspects of Guidelines Implementation
- Technological Aspects of Guidelines Implementation
For more information on this event, dowload the full agenda here.
You can access the presentations in the navigation menu on the right.
Contact person:
Prof. Licia Sbattella, PhD
G3ict – Global Initiative for Inclusive Information & Communication Technologies
Politecnico di Milano – Rector’s Delegate for Disability